Saturday, September 6, 2008


So this brings me back in the car @ 5:30 Am to avoid the all to overwhelming traffic I HATE in CA to go to Disneyland. I must admit this was the worst leg of my drive so far. The only stretch where I was tired and had to get out of the car for energy. It went fast though (sort of) We arrived to our hotel well before my parents plane of where Emma and Kyle's bathing suits were. Being our room was not ready I made them wear their clothes and go to the hotel pool. Man I am not used to CA weather anymore!!Our room was finally ready. It was a nice 2 b, 2 ba suite but man the hotels hallway smelled like a dump or dirty gym socks. Never went away but at least our room was clean?!?!Odd. Disney was great. Chelsea was petrified of all things that wore costumes and touched her and any ride in the dark. She only like the train and Nemo submarine. My parents are awesome, they did so much for us and we had such a wonderful time. I will forever be thankful. I could never have given the kids a trip like that!! (So if you are reading this mom and/or Pete, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart) We had a blast!!
So the driving saga continues in the most insane LA traffic. Never in my life would I want to deal with that on a daily bases.I dunno, what is it like 6-8 lanes? Traffic merges in on the right, exits on the left. They accelerate like they are driving on a race track and stop on a dime. I just stayed in the middle lanes and felt like I had tunnel vision. But I think what should have taken half hour to drive took almost 2 and that was after commute hours??!?! (frickin CA I tell you. That is why I am here. I remember that all to well from Mill Valley to home. Ugh)3 days in LA and then Off to see/meet a stranger/friend of mine who I have gotten to know from his blog ( A man who lost his wife 24 hours after having their first baby, Madeline. A man, a father, an awesome soul of whom I admire deeply. Not directly because he lost his wife but because he appears to be one of the most open, honest, genuine and unique people I have ever had the opportunity and acquaintance of. He, his stories, his writings, his photographs, his persona,his crazy adorable baby have touched my life. I really do not know why I am so deeply connected to their story but for some reason I am really taken. I was inclined and driven to make Madeline some knit goodies and something special in honor of her mom, Liz. I dyed some T's and silk screened and outline of her mom on the front and angel wings on the back, made her a "suck this T" with a outline of a pacifier on it and knit her pants and a flower hat and gave her some matching converse high tops. I hope to see her one day in it. Of course I was so looking forward to visiting with them and it was the one day Chelsea decided to be "busy" and not let me really sit and talk but rather run around and chase her!! Sucks ,but such is the life with 4 kids. Some days are mellow and some days are crazy.

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